Neural Networks

Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

The simplest definition of a neural network, more properly referred to as an 'artificial' neural network (ANN), is provided by the inventor of one of the first neurocomputers, Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielson. He defines a neural network as:

a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs.

Simple Processing Element

This is a neuron.


Dynamic response

Two parts:

  • ss, which is a weighted sum of the inputs, s=wxs = \sum \overrightarrow{w} \cdot \overrightarrow{x}
  • f(s)f(s)

For a linear model: f(s)=sf(s) = s. For a non-linear model, f(s)f(s) will apply a transformation.


  • Logistic curve
  • tanh
  • ReLU Activation Function
  • Step Function

Neural Networks as Supervised Learners

Can be used for regression or classification

  • classification: Bike, Drive
  • Regression: # of km

Learning as an Optimization Problem

The model learned should MINIMIZE the error on the overall training set.

Understanding Different Errors

Context: Tourist agency would like to figure out what is the best duration for excursions.

Training: Data with a single feature: 1,6,6,2,1,6,3,6,4,6,6

Model 1: Take the most common value in dataset. Model always predict 6 as preferred time.

Model 2: Rounded Average 47/11 = 4.27 = 4. Model always predicts 4 (average time).

L1 Error

L1(E)=eEoepeL_1 (E) = \sum_{e\in E} |o_e-p_e|

Test: new people are asked about their preferences, and this data is gathered: {2,3,6,6,3,5}.

L1 Error Basically looks at difference between predictions and sums it.

L2 Error

L2(E)=1/2eE(oepe)2L_2 (E) = 1/2 \sum_{e\in E} (o_e-p_e)^2

Now L2 Error looks at difference between predictions squared and sums and divided by half.

L(infinite) Error

L(E)=maxeE(oepe)L_\infty (E) = \mathrm{max}_{e\in E} (o_e-p_e)

Picks the max error out of all the errors

How to Minimize Error?

Greedy Algorithm: Gradient Descent

Let's evaluate the contribution of a weight on the error, and adjust that weight(up or down) to reduce the error.

dEdwi\frac{dE}{dw_i}, we take the derivate of the error according to the weight.

Advantage of L2:

  • if gradient(derivative) is positive, bring down
  • if gradient is negative, bring up

Disadvantage of L1:

  • there is discontinuity at some points.

Linear Regression Learner

  • gradient descent for linear regression

Gradient Descent

  1. Initialize weights at random
  2. Repeat
    • For each example in the training set:
      1. Predict y^\hat{y} (forward pass)
      2. Calculate δ=(yy^)\delta = -(y-\hat{y})
      3. For each weight wiw_i
        • Calculate derivate of error dEdwi=δxi\frac{dE}{dw_i} = \delta x_i
        • Update weight wi(t)=wi(t1)αdEdwiw_i^{(t)} = w_i^{(t-1)}-\alpha \frac{dE}{dw_i}
  3. Until "done"
    • Fixed number of iterations
    • Error < error threshold
    • wi(t+1)wi(t)w_i (t+1) - w_i(t) < change threshold


before starting the learning, we can normalize (between -1 and 1) or between (0 and 1) each of the attributes.

Logistic Regression Learner

y^=f(s)=11+es\hat{y} = f(s) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-s}} -> formula of sigmoid function.

This is known as a perceptron as it is a non-linear function.

Gradient Descent

  1. Initialize weights at random
  2. Repeat
    • For each example in the training set:
      1. Predict y^\hat{y} (forward pass)
      2. For each weight wiw_i
        • Calculate derivate of error dEdwi\frac{dE}{dw_i}
        • Update weight wi(t)=wi(t1)αdEdwiw_i^{(t)} = w_i^{(t-1)}-\alpha \frac{dE}{dw_i}
  3. Until "done"
    • Fixed number of iterations
    • Error < error threshold
    • wi(t+1)wi(t)w_i (t+1) - w_i(t) < change threshold

Log Loss Error

To optimize the log loss error for logistic regression, minimize the negative log-likelihood.

LL(E,w)=(eE(Y(e)logY^(e)+(1Y(e))log(1Y^(e))))LL(E, w) = - (\sum_{e \in E} (Y(e) * \log{\hat{Y}} (e) + (1-Y(e))*\log{(1-\hat{Y}(e))}))

where Y^\hat{Y} is the sigmoid function.

Multinomial Perceptron

Expansion to Multiple Mutually Exclusive Classes leads to a multinomial perceptron.



sj=i=0nwijxis_j = \sum_{i=0}^n w_{ij} \cdot x_i


Assume m classes. Instead of the sigmoid, now the output on node kk (class k), among the m node, is given by the softmax equation:

ok=eskj=1mesjo_k = \frac{e^s k}{\sum_{j=1}^m e^s j}

Error Function

The error can still be the cross-entropy, generalized to multiple classes, given by:

E(t,o)=j=1mtjlogojE(t,o) = - \sum_{j=1}^m t_j \cdot \log{o_j}

where tjt_j is the target(0,1) and ojo_j is the output.

Gradient Descent

  1. Initialize weights at random
  2. Repeat
    • For each example in the training set:
      1. Predict y^\hat{y} (forward pass)
      2. For each weight wiw_i
        • Calculate derivate of error dEdwi\frac{dE}{dw_i}
        • Update weight wi(t)=wi(t1)αdEdwiw_i^{(t)} = w_i^{(t-1)}-\alpha \frac{dE}{dw_i}
  3. Until "done"
    • Fixed number of iterations
    • Error < error threshold
    • wi(t+1)wi(t)w_i (t+1) - w_i(t) < change threshold

XOR Affair


Limit to linear Separators

  • there is no way to draw a single straight line so that the circles are on one of the line and the dots on the other side.
  • Perceptron is unable to find a line separating even parity input patterns from odd parity input patterns.

Adding a Layer

Solution to XOR problem is to add a layer.
