Naive Bayes Classifier
Review of Probabilities
Elementary event is an elementary or atomic event is an event that cannot be made up of other events.
Event, is a set of elementary events.
Sample space, is the set of all possible outcomes of an event is the sample space .
Probability, of an event in a sample space is the ratio of the number of elements in to the total number of possible outcomes of the sample space of .
Thus .
Bayes Rule
Hypothesis testing and Classification
One of the most important results of probability theory is the general form of Bayes’ theorem. Assume there are individual hypotheses, , from a set of hypotheses, . Assume a set of evidences, .
Prior and Posterior Probability
The prior probability, is the probability, generally an unconditioned probability, of an hypothesis or an event. The prior probability of an event is symbolized: , and the prior probability of an hypothesis is symbolized .
The posterior (after the fact) probability, generally a conditional probability, of an hypothesis is the probability of the hypothesis given some evidence. The posterior probability of an hypothesis given some evidence is symbolized: .
The Naive Bayes Classifier tests all the hypothesis using Bayes rule, and choose the maximum.
Since the denominator for is the same for all classes, we only calculate the numerator: . We test for of . Argmax is the index i corresponding to the maximum value of .
Conditional Independence Assumption
Two events and are independent if and only if the probability of their joint occurrence is equal to the product of their individual (separate) occurrence. General form , independence .
Two events and are conditionally independent of each other given a third event if and only if:
Naive Bayes
- probability theory
- discrete features
- Multi-value classes
- Calculate the prior and posterior hypotheses
- Applies Bayes Theorem, calculate posterior on hypothesis
- Sensitive to sampling technique.