Naive Bayes Classifier

Review of Probabilities

Elementary event is an elementary or atomic event is an event that cannot be made up of other events.

Event, EE is a set of elementary events.

Sample space, SS is the set of all possible outcomes of an event EE is the sample space SS.

Probability, pp of an event EE in a sample space SS is the ratio of the number of elements in EE to the total number of possible outcomes of the sample space SS of EE.

Thus p(E)=E/Sp(E) = |E| / |S|.

Bayes Rule

p(AB)=p(BA)p(A)/p(B)p(A|B) = p(B|A) * p(A) / p(B)

Hypothesis testing and Classification

One of the most important results of probability theory is the general form of Bayes’ theorem. Assume there are individual hypotheses, hih_i, from a set of hypotheses, HH. Assume a set of evidences, EE.

p(hiE)=p(Ehi)p(hi)p(h_i|E) = p(E | h_i) * p(h_i)

Prior and Posterior Probability

The prior probability, is the probability, generally an unconditioned probability, of an hypothesis or an event. The prior probability of an event is symbolized: p(E)p(E), and the prior probability of an hypothesis is symbolized p(hi)p(h_i).

The posterior (after the fact) probability, generally a conditional probability, of an hypothesis is the probability of the hypothesis given some evidence. The posterior probability of an hypothesis given some evidence is symbolized: p(hiE)p (h_i | E).

The Naive Bayes Classifier tests all the hypothesis using Bayes rule, and choose the maximum.

Since the denominator for p(E)p(E) is the same for all classes, we only calculate the numerator: p(hiE)=p(Ehi)p(hi)p(h_i | E) = p(E|h_i) * p(h_i). We test for hi\mathrm{h_i} of p(Ehi)p(hi)p(E | h_i) * p(h_i). Argmax is the index i corresponding to the maximum value of hih_i.

Conditional Independence Assumption

Two events AA and BB are independent if and only if the probability of their joint occurrence is equal to the product of their individual (separate) occurrence. General form p(AB)=P(AB)P(B)p (A \cap B) = P(A|B) * P(B), independence p(AB)=P(A)P(B)p (A \cap B) = P(A) * P(B).

Two events AA and BB are conditionally independent of each other given a third event CC if and only if: p((AB)C)=P(AC)P(BC)p ((A \cap B)|C) = P(A|C) * P(B|C)


Naive Bayes

  • probability theory
  • discrete features
  • Multi-value classes
  • Calculate the prior and posterior hypotheses
  • Applies Bayes Theorem, calculate posterior on hypothesis
  • Sensitive to sampling technique.