Concurrency View
- shows how a system works at runtime as a collaboration of components
- runtime system quality attributes:
- performance
- availability
- reliability
- scalability
- integrability
Elements of the View
- Components
- processes, threads, clients, servers, services, peers
- Connectors
- shared memory, remote procedure call, messages, pipe service invocation
Distributed Programming
- Components distributed over a network
- client/server
- concurrency
- communication and coordination
- built on top of a basic messaging system
- sockets
- Operating System communication mechanism
- part of POSIX specification
- inter-process communication API
- Identified by IP/Port
- Byte Streams Messages
Distributed Programming
- Abstraction of communication
- localization
- communication errors handling
- repetitive programming
- heterogeneity
- security
- Layer between applications and operating systems
- hides distribution
- hides heterogeneity
- high-level API
- common services
Middle-Ware Technologies
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Message Oriented Middle-ware (MOM)
- Distributed Object-Oriented Components
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Interface definition language (IDL)
- specify remote procedures
- generate stubs and skeletons
- language heterogeneity
- evolution, portability
IDL Example
- gRPC interface definition
- protocol buffers
// ProductInfo.protosyntax = "proto3";package ecommerce;service ProductInfo {rpc addProduct(Product) returns (ProductID);rpc getProduct(ProductID) returns (Product);}message Product {string id = 1;string name = 2;string description = 3;}message ProductID {string value = 1;}
Call Semantics
Types of guarantees provided to Caller
at least once semantics
At least once:request_received = falsewhile not request_received:send RPCwait for acknowledgement with timeoutif acknowledgment received and acknowledgement.is_successful:request_received = trueat most once semantics
At most once:request_sent = falsewhile not request_sent:send RPCrequest_sent = truewait for acknowledgement with timeoutif acknowledgment received and not acknowledgement.is_successful:request_sent = false
RPC Advantages / Disadvantages
- make distributed programming easier
- hides semantic differences between local/remote calls
- coupling related to interfaces
Message-Oriented Middleware
- message broker between producers and consumers
- asynchronous messages
- point-to-point -> unicast communication
- publish/subscribe -> broadcast communication
- open source message oriented Middleware
- cross-platform, cross-language
- implements advanced message queuing protocol (AMQP)
- AMQP is a standard message broker specification
- interoperability
- various interaction modes
- AMQP is a standard message broker specification
AMQ Model
Direct Exchange
- point-to-point communication
Fanout Exchange
- broadcast communication
Topic Exchange
- public-subscribe communication
Spring AMQP
- spring support for AMQP
- Springboot starter: spring-boot-starter-amqp
- autoconfiguration
- RabbitMQ integration
Advantages/Drawbacks of MOM
lower coupling
better reliability
better interoperability
lower-lever abstraction
Distributed Object-Oriented Components
- Evolution of RPC model to Object-Oriented Paradigm
- Transparent invocation of distributed objects
- Based on
- proxy pattern
- substitute for a component
- abstract communication
- location transparency
- a broker for each host (broker registers to server)
- broker pattern
- proxy pattern
Middle-ware Advantages / Drawbacks
- Speed up development
- software quality (reliability, robustness)
- performance penalty
- must be learned
- vendor lock-in
Types of communication
Synchronous communication
Caller is blocked until Callee returns
- behaviour traceability (debugging, understandably)
- tight coupling
- connection overhead
- handling failures is hard
- performance low
Asynchronous communication
Caller continues work, gets notified
Component Based Software Engineering
- software development based on assembly of software components
- based on component models