Domain Driven Design
- Subject area of an application
- Problem space
- Can be tangible or intangible
- Key to building effective applications
- Must be reflected in the code
- Ease maintenance and evolution
- Most stable part of Architecture
- design ensures that
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- Focuses on the Domain
- what is important
- Collaboration between domain experts and developers
- Domain mode - Ubiquitous Language
- bounds analysis model to code
- supports change and evolution
DDD Stages
- Strategic Design
- Breaks down Domain
- Identifies Core-Domains
- Determine general structure
- Tactical Design
- Model Domains
- Ensures proper separation
Domain Partition
- difficult to grasp a complex domain
- sub-domain: partition of a domain
- area of capability, processes, part of function
- tackle complexity
- concentrate effort
Types of Sub-Domain
- Core domain
- essence of the system
- support domain
- necessary for core domain success
- generic domain
- available off-the-shelf
Development Focus
- Membership, Listing -> supporting (less focus, may outsource)
- Seller -> core (main focus, most resources)
- Dispute Resolution -> generic (should be acquired)
Bounded Context
- semantic contextual boundary for a domain
- contains ubiquitous language
- encapsulates models: diagrams, code, data
Context Map
- global overview of contexts and their relationships
- shows bounded contexts integration
- teams relationships
Bounded Context Relations
- Integration approach of Bounded Context and Teams
- Type of Collaboration
- partnership
- customer-supplier
- conformist
- separate-way
- Direction of dependency
- upstream/downstream
- Integration Mechanism
- Shared Kernel
- common part of bounded contexts
- needs partnership
- continuous integration
- Anticorruption Layer
- protects a bounded context from external corruption
- Open Host Service
- service access protocol in open format
Tactical Design
- building blocks for domain models
- domain concepts
- main domain concept
- has identity
- equality based on identity
- has mutable state
Value Object
- descriptor for Entities
- no identify
- equality defined by state
- immutable state
- cluster of entities and value objects
- has root entity
- root controls access
Domain Service
- Implements Business Logic
- Orchestrates Entities, Value Objects behavior
- no identity or state
Domain Event
- notifies of domain significant activity
- consequence of command
- immutable
- state changes
- instance created
- instance destructed
- attribute value changed
- association created
- association destructed
- abstraction of persistance store
- for persisting and hydrating domain concepts
- aggregates must always be persisted as a whole
- creates complex Domain Objects
- invariant
- complex object structures
DDD processes
- Use case driven process
Identify Sub-Domains
- areas of capabilities, functionalities
- single responsibility principle
Consider each sub-domain
- consider each use case of the sub-domain
- identify application commands
- consider each application commands
- determine post conditions
- determine pre conditions
- specify contracts
Use case name: Register Customer
Actor: Clerk
Precondition: System is ON and Clerk has successfully logged in
- An unregistered Customer who want to register to the Library arrives at a Clerk Station
- The Clerk asks for an identification showing the Customer's first and last names, date of birth and address
- The Customer provides an identification showing his/her first and last names, date of birth and address
- The Clerk asks for the Customer's phone number
- The Clerk submits a registration request to the System with the Customer's first and last names, date of birth, address and phone number
- The System displays an acknowledgement message and returns a Card to the Customer with his/her Customer's number
- Occurs at step 5 if a Customer with the same first and last name, and address is already registered
- The System displays a message notifying the Clerk that the Customer is already registered
- The Clerk informs the Customer
Postcondition: The Customer is registered
Use Case Realization
Dynamic Model
- shows how use cases are realized
- collaboration of application & domain elements
- responsibility assignment principles
- aggregate create their components
- single responsibility principle
- low coupling / high cohesion