Software Metrics
Software Metrics
- Measure aspects of process, project, product
- Indicators
- Provide insights
- Design Metrics
- Design assessment tools
Design Metrics
- evaluate design quality
- evaluate reused implementation
- concentrate testing effort
- select design
- incoming dependencies
- Number of external modules that depend on an internal modules
- Afferent Coupling
- Degree of responsibility
- the higher the more responsible it is
- Outgoing dependencies
- Number of internal modules that depend on an external module
- Efferent Coupling
- Degree of dependence
- the higher the more dependent it is
Instability Factor
- degree of stability of a module
- Instability Factor = Efferent Coupling / (Efferent Coupling + Afferent Coupling)
- 0 = totally stable
- 1 = totally unstable
Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP)
The dependencies between components in a design should be in the direction of stability. A component should only depend upon components that are more stable than it is. Depend only upon components whose Instability metric is lower than yours.
Degree of abstractness of a module
- Number of abstract classes / number of classes
- 0 = no abstract classes, 1 = all abstract classes
Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
A module should be open for extension, but closed for modification
- Behavior change possible
- NO modification to module implementation
Violation of OCP
- needs to change DataLogger to modify behavior
satisfies of OCP
- no change to DataLogger needed to modify behavior
Stable Abstractions Principle
The abstraction of a package should be proportional to its stability!
- Packages that are maximally stable should be maximally abstract
- Instable packages should be concrete
- Dependencies in the direction of abstraction
Main Sequence
Instability should increase as abstraction decreases.
- Distance from Main Sequence
- Balance between Stability and abstractness
- D = |A + I - 1|
- 0 = good Balance, 1 is opposite
- Balance between Stability and abstractness
Zones of Exclusion
- Zone of pain
- Highly stable and concrete
- responsible can't be extended
- Zone of Exclusion
- Highly instable and abstract
- No dependents
Cyclomatic Complexity
- Logical complexity of a routine
- E number of edges, N number of nodes, P number of predicates
- C = E-N + 2
- C = P+1
Weighted Methods per Class (WMC)
WMC = sum of ci, ci = cyclomatic complexity of each method
- Effort for development, maintenance
- Impact on children
- Reusability
Response for a Class (RFC)
- Number of methods potentially executed in a response to a message
RFC = number of methods + number of distinct methods invoked
- Complexity
- Testing effort
Lack of Cohesion of Methods (LCOM)
Degree of cohesion and methods in a class
- Ik set of instance variables used by method k
- P = {(Ik, Ij)} such that Ik and Ij do not intersect
- Q = {(Ik, Ij)} such that Ik and Ij do intersect
- if |P| > |Q| then LCOM = |P| - |Q|
- else LCOM = 0
How well methods are related
- Internal cohesion
- LCOM > 0 means lack of cohesion
Coupling Between Object Classes (CBO)
Degree of Class Coupling
- Uses (C) = |distinct classes that use C|
- Used-by(C) = |distinct classes that C use|
- CBO(C) = Uses(C) + Used-by(C)
Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)
- max length from root to a class
- Complexity
- understandability
- reuse
Number of children
- number immediate subclasses as a class
- reuse
- misuse of sub-classing
- testing