Unit Testing
- Runtime examination of “small” unit of a system code
- typically: function, method, class
- Low level access to unit under test (UUT)
- typically: procedure call
- Generally performed as part of the implementation of the unit
- essential in TDD approaches
A Junit Test case
public void createAndSetName()
Value v1 = new Value( );
v1.setName( "Y" );
String expected = "Y";
String actual = v1.getName( );
Assert.assertEquals( expected, actual );
Assertion Methods
- Boolean conditions are true or false
- Objects are null or non-null
- Objects are identical (i.e. two references to the same object), or not identical.
assertSame(expected, actual)
- true if: expected == actual
assertNotSame(expected, actual)
- “Equality” of objects:
assertEquals(expected, actual)
- Valid if: expected.equals( actual )
- “Equality” of arrays:
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual)
- Parameters are either arrays of primitive types, or Object[].
- Unconditional failure assertion
- fail() - always results in a fail verdict
A PyUnit Testcase
import unittest # test framework module import
from valueMod import Value # unit under test import
# test case definition
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# test method name start with “test”
def test_createAndSetName(self):
v1 = Value()
expected = "Y"
self.assertEqual(expected, v1.getName())
# test runner invocation
if __name__ == '__main__':