Let p,q∈Z be two prime numbers and M∈Z be a postive integer coprime with pq. Then M(p−1)(q−1)≡(modpq)
A large number n where it is of the form n=pq, for two prime numbers p,q. Moreover gcd(e,(p−1)(q−1))=1. e is known as the public key, which is not a very large number. n and e are both shared between parties and made public. Only the owner of n knows p and q. For anybody else, it is impossible to calculate.
Let use consider the case of Eve: n=2418737527=48611⋅49757=pq
We want to send her the message Salut. The message is therefore represented by the number M=1901122120
We compute:
C≡Me(modn) ≡190112212011(mod2418737527) ≡250061500(mod2418737527)
and we send C to Eve.
Since Eve knows p and q, she also knows d and t such that d⋅e−t(p−1)(q−1)=1. In her case d=159134011 and t=7. She then computes: