Lower Bounds

Adversarial Arguments

Example 1

We can find the maximum element in an unsorted array in O(n)O(n) time. How can we argue that this is optimal?

Idea: Show that any algorithm which executes a number of steps that is "too small" can be fooled by at least one input.

We show that with only n1n-1 steps, we cannot find the max in the array.

Adversary strategy:

  1. When the algorithm asks for the number at position ii in AA, we return 0.
  2. We tell the algo: now that you executed your n1n-1 steps, go ahead if you're so smart: tell us what is the max?

So we cannot solve this in at most n1n-1 steps, we need (n1)+1(n-1) + 1 steps. Therefore O(n)O(n) is optimal.

Example 2

We can find the median in an array in O(n) time using the selection algorithm. Can we do better?

We will prove that with at most n1n-1 steps no algo can compute the median.

Adversary strategy:

  1. When the algo asks for the number at position ii in AA, we return A[i]=iA[i] = i.
  2. Algo says A[k]A[k] is median, but we say that missing value is such a value that A[k]A[k] is different

So it takes $\Omega ((n-1) + 1) steps to compute the median.

Decision Trees

The Sorting Problem

A decision tree is a binary tree TT defined as follows:

  • TT has a finite number of nodes
  • the label of each internal node of TT is of the form A[i]:A[j]A[i] : A[j]
  • from each internal node of TT, there are two outgoing edges:
    • the label of the left outgoing edge is \leq
    • the label of the right outgoing edge is >>

To each decision tree TT corresponds an algorithm ATA_T. Conversely, to each algorithm AA which uses only comparisons (<,,=,>,<, \leq, =, >, \geq) corresponds a decision tree TAT_A.


In the decision tree model, sorting an array of nn numbers takes Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n \log n) time.

Find an Element in a Sorted Array

In the decision tree mode, finding the position of an element xx in a sorted array A[1..n]A[1..n] (or detecting that xx is not in AA) takes Ω(logn)\Omega (\log n) time.

Merging Two Sorted Arrays

Let A[1..n]A[1..n] and B[1..n]B[1..n] be two sorted arrays. We know how to merge AA and BB into one single sorted array in O(n)O(n) time.